Monday, March 10, 2008

Oh please yes

Bush pushes Romney as McCain veep choice. At least they wouldn't run out of money, but this seems like an unusually dumb idea, even for Bush. Besides, don't all the candidates hate the guy?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008

Maybe this WAS a bad idea

New pics from the new Watchmen movie out. I'd feel a lot better about the prospect of adapting the most widely esteemed comic book ever written if it didn't look a lot like this monstrosity.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bubbling up

It seemed an unbelievably minor story at the time, but the making-Obama-blacker in the ad thing really seems to have legs. How long before it shows up in Leno and Letterman's monologues? Unlike a lot of shady stuff the Clintons have done, this is a really accessible shady thing. You needn't know anything about politics to realize it's shady to darken a black candidate's skin. You can never predict how these negative sorts of stories develop, but this one seems to be bubbling up.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm a 7k person

One thing I won't make fun of Mike for is the ladders commercials. Apparently if you make six figures you're an asshole when your website has the tagline:

The premium job site created exclusively for $100k+ people looking for $100k+ jobs.

I've never been less in favor of a flat tax.

With all this silly talk of ladders though, lets have a few laughs

I don't have to grow a moustache!!!

Can't help but notice that Mike's uncharacteristically quiet today on the blog front after his man Obama won only Vermont last night. Don't worry, Obama will only lose something like 10 delegates in Texas.

The main disappointment for me after last night is that we have another month of campaigning. I have this haunting suspicion that the Democrats are going to butcher one another to the point where McCain will have a significantly easier job attacking either of them. You can only hear that Obama is inexperienced and that Clinton is well, a Clinton without picking up on it.

That said, Gravel 08.

Back to making fun of Mike though. Given his undying love for Obama, it's surprising that his entire post contained numerous consonants. Because if 'Fight Club' taught me anything (which it didn't) is that one can only talk in vowels when you have a cylindrical object in your mouth.

How about giving the balls some love?